Message from the Director
Just over three years ago, we released our first edition of HR Highlights. The intent was to provide the Human Resource community with a single source of information to highlight what’s happening with the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM). By monthly email, HR Highlights brings to you a quick read on program updates and insights into what is in motion for the future, as well as any staff changes within DHRM. If there is a topic you would like to see in a future update, please let us know. We want to keep the dialogue flowing and continuously assess for improvement.
Workforce Management
2022 Legislation - Stay Informed
We encourage the HR Community to monitor workforce related bills assigned to DHRM throughout the 2022 legislative session. Please see more on the DHRM website.
Workforce Planning Submissions
DHRM is completing its review of agency workforce plans submitted last fall in preparation for the 2022 development and submission period. Workforce planning becomes increasingly more meaningful when assessing trends over time to formulate future strategies, so if your agency has not already done so, please submit your plan as soon as possible to
Join the Evolution of Workforce Planning for the Commonwealth - Participate in our Survey!
Over the last few years, DHRM has been building the foundations of workforce planning to support agencies in acquiring, engaging, developing, and retaining workforce talent. Given the evolving workforce climate, now is the time to realign the approach to workforce planning for long term success and reinforce the foundation that has been established. See more...
Policy 1.90, Workforce Planning, has been refreshed and moved into our current format for your convenience.
Recruitment Management System RFP Update
It has been a few months since we provided an update on the RMS RFP in Highlights. At this point, VITA is in negotiations with suppliers and we anticipate a contract award within a few weeks. Once finalized, we will be able to initiate the project and establish an implementation team. We will keep you apprised of our progress and will communicate when an award is complete.
Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC) Upgrade
The COVLC Team is excited to announce the project kickoff for our new SaaS-platform COVLC upgrade! We expect the upgrade will take approximately nine months to complete and will provide improved functionality and system stability for employees and agencies. In preparation for the upgrade, the COVLC team has shared some initial steps with agency COVLC administrators that agencies can take now to begin reviewing and removing inactive agency COVLC training content. We will continue to keep agencies informed as the upgrade progresses. In the meantime, we will continue our efforts to support the needs of our current system and we thank you in advance for your patience as we work our way through this process.
Team Effectiveness
Leaders who want to set up their teams for success can take specific actions to create a strong foundation and support for team effectiveness. Creating a successful team requires evaluation of team design, strategies for team launch or re-launch, and team coaching support to ensure the team has a strong start. If you are interested in learning more about Team Effectiveness Coaching, please contact Workplace Effectiveness Coaching. See more...
February Commemorations: Black History and American Heart Months
This month recognizes both the important contributions of African Americans to our nation and the importance of heart health to the quality of our lives.
According to, since 1976 every American president has designated February as Black History Month and supported a specific theme. The 2022 theme is "Black Health and Wellness." See more. That theme fits well with National American Heart Month, focusing this year on hypertension, a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. See more from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including tool kits.
Comings and Goings...
Finance and Administration: All the best to Jian Martin, DHRM’s former Fiscal Officer! Jian completed her transition from DHRM to the Virginia Department to Education (DOE) last month as their new Financial Reports & Systems Analyst. She positively contributed to the strengthening of our internal controls and business processes. We will miss Jian and wish her well at DOE!
Human Resource Consulting Services: Please join us in welcoming Sandra Phipps as the Pathways Grant DHRM Liaison. The Liaison is a 5-year grant position in partnership with the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). This grant will enable an additional focus on opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities (IWD) to attain employment within state government. Sandra will be a primary resource for driving the implementation of the Alternative Application Process and the overall strategy for recruitment, engagement, and retention of our differently-abled employees. Sandra comes to us from DARS as an Employment Services Specialist and Administrative professional where she has over 12 years experience helping IWD’s become employable and enhance their independent living skills.
Workforce Engagement: DHRM is delighted to welcome Dr. Marta Squadrito as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Learning Specialist. The purpose of the position is to develop and implement a comprehensive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) learning strategy that builds skills and capabilities across the state workforce. Marta is an experienced researcher and instructor in change management, organizational theory, talent management, inclusive leadership theory and development, and diversity and inclusion. In addition to her research and data analysis experience, Marta has served as a Research and Teaching Assistant at the VCU Wilder School, and is trilingual in Italian, French and English.